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Grit & Growth Mindset (1 CEU - 15 Clock Hours)
Welcome to ED 103 Understanding Grit and Growth Mindset
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Module 1: What is Grit & Growth Mindset?
Lesson #1: Helping Students Succeed (22:26)
How "Gritty" are you? (Grit Scale)
What is Mindset? A Mind at Work
Unlocking Potential
Assessment and Growth Mindset
Fixed or Growth Mindset- Which are You?
Discussion Board
Module 2: Understanding Grit and Growth Mindset
Lesson #2: The Power of Believing
Building Grit through Teaching
Power of Grit & Perseverance
Every Student Needs a Champion
Growth Mindset in Practice
Don't Believe in the Power of Mindset? This will Change your Mind.
What Growth Mindset Means for Kids
Discussion Board
Module 3: Develop Grit and Growth Mindset
Lesson #3: How to Develop Mindset
Atomic Habits
Mindset- Think about it.
How Can Teachers Develop Students' Motivation and Success?
Growth Mindset in Context - Culture Matters
What are the Students Going to Learn?
Discussion Board
Module 4: Making Progress
Lesson #4: Why-Try
Creating Innovators
STEAM, Choice, and Growth Mindset
Improvement Happens
Teacher Mindset Matters- Career Satisfaction
Fruit of our Labor
Discussion Board
Get Tough?
Resources, Pictures, Activities
Pre-K thru 2nd Grade Activities
Choice Boards
Activities for Early Finishers
Course Completion Directions
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Completion Certificate
Teacher Mindset Matters- Career Satisfaction
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